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Our Business

Workplace Sustainability Statement

1. G&H Code of Conduct

The commitment, skill and creativity of our people is key to our sustained success. Retaining and developing their enthusiasm, engagement and determination to succeed is central to the Group’s strategy for growth and development.

The G&H Code of Conduct incorporates:

a. critical attention on ethical business practices

b. the provision of a safe and healthy work place

c. business conduct that demonstrates respect for co-workers, suppliers, customers and partners.

d. the Group’s commitment to the principles of equality and diversity and compliance with all relevant equality and anti-discrimination legislation

e. seeking excellence in management practice through the ongoing development of business aligned human resource systems and initiatives.

f. structured training and development programs for employees through which they can enhance the skills, knowledge and capability necessary for further growth within the organization.

2. Employee communications and involvement

The Group is committed to including all employees in the performance and development of the business. An established employee appraisal and reward scheme is in operation and employees are appraised regularly with relevant development support provided by the Group.

The Group attaches considerable importance to informing and involving its employees on matters which concern them and in the achievement of its business objectives. The Group has a formal employee communication plan involving regular meetings between management and employees and the provision of a comprehensive employee handbook for each site.

3. Employee concerns disclosure

“Whistleblowing Policy”

The “Whistleblowing” Policy directs employees to appropriate means of reporting alleged misconduct and allows employees to freely voice concerns.

4. Anti-bribery

The G&H Anti-Bribery Policy describes the Group’s zero tolerance for bribery and provides guidelines to all employees regarding situations involving bribery. This is also supported by the Group’s Policy on Gifts and Corporate Hospitality.

5. Anti-fraud

G&H is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of its shareholders and will take appropriate action against any person that is involved in, or assists with, committing fraud and will actively seek appropriate recourse against all parties involved in fraudulent activity. The Group Anti-Fraud Policy defines what constitutes fraud and what is expected of employees in relation to the prevention and reporting of fraud.

6. Freedom of association

G&H respects our employees’ right to choose to join or not join a trade union, or to have recognized employee representation in accordance with local law. We believe in the rights of workers to associate freely and bargain collectively and are committed to fostering open and inclusive workplaces that are based on recognized workplace human rights and our belief that every employee’s actions contributes to Group success.

7. No child or forced labour

All employment with G&H is voluntary. We do not use child or forced labour in any of our operations or facilities. We do not tolerate any form of unacceptable treatment of workers, including but not limited to the exploitation of children, physical punishment or abuse, or involuntary servitude. We fully respect all applicable laws establishing a minimum age for employment, in order to support the effective abolition of child labor worldwide.

8. Political activities and contributions

As a non-partisan organization, G&H businesses are prohibited from supporting political parties, either directly or indirectly. The Group or its constituent businesses do not, nor will not make financial contributions to political parties, political candidates or public officials.

9. Trade Controls

The G&H Trade Controls Policy provides information to employees regarding acceptable practices while conducting business transactions and ensures trade compliance by conducting all trade transactions legally.

10. Wage and Hour Practices

G&H seeks to apply consistent and fair wage and hour practices to each and every employee.

G&H abides by all laws and regulations regarding pay practices and the classification of employment according to job level, capability and status. G&H withholds deductions as required by law, including applicable taxes and/or court ordered or enforceable garnishments. The Wage and Hour Practices Policy defines expectations for adherence to G&H policies and national, federal and local laws regarding pay practices. This is enabled by policies in place at national level which are communicated to all employees.

11. Diversity and inclusion

Diversity is embraced at G&H. As a result, we recruit, hire, develop and retain the best talent from a wide spectrum of geographies who are dedicated to achieving excellence for all of our stakeholders. Our employees have diverse backgrounds, skills, and ideas that collectively contribute to the Company’s success.

The Group operates to national standards of diversity in employment including the Affirmative Action Program (AAP) in the United States which is designed to attract, retain and develop a diverse pool of talent and which operates to an audit and reporting system.

12. Harassment and violence-free workplace

We believe it is our responsibility to treat each other with respect and provide all employees with a working environment free of harassment or violence. We have a zero tolerance policy for such behavior – whether sexual, verbal, or visual – and will investigate all alleged harassment promptly. This is enabled by Anti-Harassment Policies in place at national level which are communicated to all employees.

13. Health and safety

G&H’s executive management is committed to a healthy and safe workplace. We manage our business responsibly, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Group’s Safety Policy.

14. Non-discrimination

We believe everyone should be treated with respect regardless of their background. The Group is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all employees and applicants for employment. The company does not discriminate in employment opportunity or practices on the grounds of gender, race, religion or belief, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by national laws under which the Group operates.

This is enabled by Equal Opportunity Policies in place at national level which are communicated to all employees.

15. Right to work

G&H operate to national laws pertaining to Immigration. The Group also complies with all aspects of the Arms Export Control Act ( AECA) and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).

16. Management review and succession planning

The Group operates a program of organizational review and succession planning to ensure current and future business needs are fulfilled. This program is reviewed by the Group’s Executive Group.