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Compact low power RF AOM and AOQS driver product image

Compact Low Power RF AOM and AOQS Driver

With an operating frequency of 24–110 MHz, a 24 W output into a 50-ohm load, and analog and digital modulation.

Full Product Description
RF output power:
2 to 24 W
RF frequency:
24.00 MHz, 27.12 MHz, 40.68 MHz, 68.00 MHz, 80.00 MHz or 110.00 MHz
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Product description

A compact low-power RF driver designed to drive acousto-optic modulators and q-switches, with two digital modulation inputs with a fixed designated width or variable width corresponding to the input signal's pulse width.

This driver has a zero crossing function where the output pulse can be synchronized to the zero crossing point of the RF Energy. When enabled the pulse to pulse stability is improved.

Key features

  • 24, 27.12, 40.68, 68, 80, or 110 MHz RF frequency (XXX)
  • 0.01% quartz stabilized
  • Up to 24 W RF power output (YY)
  • Two TTL digital modulation inputs: fixed and variable pulse width
  • Up to 1 MHz pulse rate in Q-switch applications.
  • Up to 10 MHz pulse rate in pulse picking applications
  • Analog modulation or triggered RF Ramp Down Mode (ZZZ)
  • Synchronization to RF by ‘zero cross’


Supply voltage+12, +15 or +24 VDC (factory set)
Supply current≤ 3 A
RF output power2 to 24 W
Output impedance50 Ω
RF frequency24.00 MHz, 27.12 MHz, 40.68 MHz, 68.00 MHz, 80.00 MHz or 110.00 MHz
Frequency stability± 0.01%
Extinction ratio≥ 50 dB
Harmonic distortion≤ -20 dB for units with output power ≤ 15 W, ≤ -15 dB for units with output power > 15 W
Spurious levels≤ -50 dBc
Analogue modulation impedance1.5 k Ω
Analogue modulation voltage range0 to +5 VDC ¹
Digital modulation impedanceHigh impedance
Digital modulation levelTTL compatible (V_IL < 0.8V, V_IH > 2.0 V)
Mod in fixedStandard: Triggered on rising edge, Inverted digital input option (NEG): Triggered on falling edge
Mod in variableStandard: TTL V_IH = RF OFF, Inverted digital input option (NEG): TTL V_IL = RF OFF
FPS/PPK input impedanceHigh impedance
FPS/PPK input levelTTL compatible (V_IL < 0.8V, V_IH > 2.0 V)
TriggerStandard: Triggered on rising edge, Inverted digital input option (NEG): Triggered on falling edge
Rise/fall timeDigital/analogue modulation: ≤ 35 ns (10 to 90% RF power) ²
Zero crossing enable input impedanceHigh impedance
Zero crossing enable input levelTTL compatible (V_IL < 0.8V, V_IH > 2.0 V)
TriggerStandard: TTL V_IH or no connection - disabled, TTL V_IL - enabled, Active zero cross option (ZC): TTL V_IH or no connection - enabled, TTL V_IL - disabled ³
Sync output3.3 V signal, inverted in ZC units
Enable input< 3 W dissipation in standby mode
Normal operationTTL V_IH or no connection
Standby modeTTL V_IL
Driver resetMomentary TTL V_IL
Operating temperature+10 to +55°C case temperature, non-condensing
Storage temperature-20 to +85°C, non-condensing

¹ The voltage range corresponds to 0 to 100% of the pre-adjusted maximum RF output power. For units configured with A05, R05 and M05.
² into 50 Ω load
³ ZC option enables zero cross by default

Output Indicators

Status indicator LED
RedNormal operation
GreenStandby mode
YellowFault condition

Connectors and Mechanical Data

RF output connectorSMA Female (recommended torque 0.45 Nm max 0.6 Nm).
Power and control connectorMolex 0430451221
Mating connectorMolex 0430251200 with Molex 0430300008 crimp terminals
Cooling methodContact cooled
Cooling specThe driver must be attached to a heatsink capable of dissipating;
36W @ 12 V
45W @ 15 V
72W @ 24 V
Weight (driver only)192 grams

Connector Pinout

Power and control connector

12 positions header connector 0.118" (3.00mm)

All input signals refer to ground (GND) unless otherwise stated. All outputs are open collector type 25 mA max current drain.

Pin assignment
Pin 1SYNC (out)Pin 2FPS trigger (in)
Pin 3Mod in fixed (in)Pin 4GND
Pin 5Mod in variable (in)Pin 6Mod in analog (in)
Pin 7Zero cross enable (in)Pin 8Low power fault (out)
Pin 9High power fault (out)Pin 10High VSWR load fault (out)
Pin 11Enable (in)Pin 12VDC

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Important: Failure to remain within stated rating may cause instantaneous and irreparable damage to the driver.

Supply voltage+27 VDC
RF power outputNo DC feedback allowed
TTL/analog signal inputs-0.5 V to +5.5 V
Mod in fixed minimum pulse width50 ns
Modulation repetition ratesMod in fixed1 Hz to 1 MHz
Mod in variableDC to 10 MHz

RF Power (W) Frequency (MHz)

Supply voltage24.00 MHz27.12 MHz40.68 MHz68.00 MHz80.00 MHz110.00 MHz
12 V10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W10 W
15 V24 W24 W24 W20 W20 W10 W
24 V24 W24 W24 W24 W24 W10 W


RF Power Level AdjustmentAdjusts the output RF Power – clockwise increases power output
LP – Low Power Set PointAdjusts the minimum power threshold. The LP Fault output goes LOW if the output power is below this level ⁴
HP – High Power Set PointAdjusts the maximum power threshold. The HP Fault output goes LOW if the output power is greater than this level.
High VSWR Set Point (HVSWR)Adjusts the module’s tolerance for a mismatched load connected to RF Out. If a mismatch is detected, the HVSWR Fault output goes LOW, the status LED will change to YELLOW, and the driver will cease output until reset by momentarily entering standby mode.
Pulse width (Mod in fixed)Adjusts the length of time the driver outputs no RF energy after receiving a Fixed Input trigger. 1 µs to 20 µs.

The following adjustments are used on units configured with FPS or PPK:

FPS StartAdjusts the initial power level of the first pulse.
FPS SlopeAdjusts how quickly the RF pulses return to their normal level after the FPS has been triggered. 20 µs to 300 µs.
FPS WindowAdjusts the duration of the suppression pulse cycle. 20 µs to 300 µs.

⁴ The LP Fault output will be suppressed whist modulating the RF power via analog modulation.

Order code

XXX = 024, 027, 041, 068, 080, or 110 as standard where RF Frequency = 24.00, 27.12, 40.68, 68.00, 80.00 or 110.00 MHz.