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G&H women, International Women's Day 2024Top row, left to right: Monika Wojcik, Maryam Kardan, Reetta Griffiths; Bottom row, left to right: Robin Pickering, Nicola Wainwright, Shaghayegh Sultany©️ Private

All About Her at G&H – celebrating International Women’s Day


They are behind some of the most innovative initiatives within the optics and photonics field. They research, design and develop precise pioneering applications with a broad range of relevancy for tech-oriented businesses. And today is all about them – the women empowering G&H’s mission with each decision and action they undertake.

The feminine touch is not lost at G&H (LON:GHH), with talented women leading innovation on all fronts of the company, from management to manufacturing. In honour of their work, we would want to introduce a few names out of the group that leads us into a better, more thriving future.

Please meet:

Maryam Kardan, Lead Engineer

Favourite subject in school: Mathematics

Favourite book: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

Something that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning:

Filling my day with purpose and fulfilment through mindfulness and accomplishments.

Q: What do you do at G&H?

MK: I am the lead engineer at Vitl, a subsidiary of G&H | ITL. Vitl specializes in designing laboratory equipment, and my current focus involves working with a real-time operating system that we've integrated into our compact luminometer instrument. I'm actively engaged in customizing it for our OEM clients.

Q: Most exciting work you are undertaking at the moment:

MK: That would be luminometers, which are important instruments used in various fields such as biomedical research, pharmaceuticals, food safety, environmental monitoring, and clinical diagnostics to detect biological and chemical substances. Single tube luminometers in particular offer a convenient, cost-effective, and versatile solution for researchers needing luminescence detection capabilities in a compact and portable format. Practically, these are indispensable tools for interpreting all kinds of experimental results.

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Reetta Griffiths, KTP associate, Process Engineer

Favourite subject in school: Physics

Favourite book: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Something that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning:

Seeing my 18-month-old daughter embrace the world around her with open arms and having daily reminders of how much wonder there is in everyday life when you just stop and let it in.

Q: What do you do at G&H?

RG: I am working on a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with G&H | Artemis and the University of Plymouth. The aim of the project is to use a deterministic approach towards improving the deposition processes used for the optical thin films. Optimizing the process and minimizing variables gives a much higher level of control to the process, allowing us to push the available technology further.

Q: Most exciting work you are undertaking at the moment:

RG: That would be improving our capabilities to respond to manufacturing challenges faster and more reliably. This will not only mean that our customers’ needs will be met quicker, but also better from a quality viewpoint which is essential for the precedent and culture we want to set at G&H.

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Robin Pickering, Product Design Engineer

Favourite subject in school: Fine Art and Biology – couldn’t decide between the two.

Favourite book: Seconds by Bryan Lee O’Mallery

Something that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning:

A cup of hot chocolate to start the day sweetly, so that I can tackle any challenge!

Q: What do you do at G&H?

RP: Over the past 18 months I have been working on maintaining and designing all sorts of product-related inputs for the Vitl Life Science Solution product range, offered by G&H | ITL. Notably the Lu-mini, our small, lightweight luminometer has been one of my main priorities – investigating and adapting it to address use case challenges, whilst also developing accessories to increase its capabilities as a compact, single-tube luminometer.

Q: Most exciting work you are undertaking at the moment:

RP: Honestly, I could talk about all the products within the Vitl product range, such as the Lu-mini device. They are valuable tools addressing many different needs and applications that are vital for a variety of industries. And the fact that they facilitate important research all over the world is enough to make me feel giddy about contributing my part to the cause of scientific innovation.

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Monika Wojcik, Technical Production Support

Favourite subject in school: Mathematics

Favourite book: Any book written by American writers such as Harlan Coben and Dan Brown

Something that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning:

A new day always means new challenges and experiences for me. Each new day can bring something different, and that certainty is exciting. Just the idea of getting out of bed every morning is worth it, to see what the day can bring this time round.

Q: What do you do at G&H?

MW: My role at G&H | Artemis is one which focuses on the manufacturing of Optical Filter Wheels. Our Optical Filter Wheels integrate high-performance, in-house narrow bandpass filters into dynamic systems, offering unparalleled precision in spectral control. They are indispensable tools in high-precision sectors, capable of rapid transition between spectral bands for reliable data acquisition.

Q: Most exciting work you are undertaking at the moment:

MW: Synthesizing tailored solutions, our Optical Filter Wheels epitomize precision and versatility, revolutionizing data acquisition in high-precision applications. With high-speed switching, they ensure data reliability, setting a new standard for accuracy and consistency across various industries. I mean, how can you not be excited about setting the bar in your field?

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Nicola Wainwright, Engineering Manager

Favourite subject in school: Mathematics and Art

Favourite book: Anything in the science fiction and thriller corner

Something that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning:

Seeing my son’s smile and getting a morning cuddle from him.

Q: What do you do at G&H?

NW: I manage a team of engineers at G&H Ilminster. We work on introducing and manufacturing multiple new products at our specific site, including customer owned and G&H newly developed solutions such as vehicle sighting systems and acousto-optic devices. We are focused on bringing added value to our customers by improving lead times, reducing cost and developing new and innovative ways to expand our tech capability.

Q: Most exciting work you are undertaking at the moment:

NW: Honestly, I can’t pick only one project. As I see things, all our work is important because it is beneficial to our customers in helping them to advance their technologies in multiple sectors, including medical and aerospace and defence (A&D).

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Shaghayegh Soltani, R&D Hardware Engineer

Favourite subject in school: Mathematics

Favourite book: I’m more interested in reading psychology-related books; my favourite one is The Happiness Hypothesis written by Jonathan Haidt.

Something that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning:

What gets me out of bed each day is the opportunity to work with a team of talented and experienced engineers and constantly learning new skills.

Q: What do you do at G&H?

SS: In my R&D role at G&H | ITL, I’m working on an intelligent nitric oxide (NO) delivery and monitoring system, something which provides intelligent NO delivery with a precise real-time monitoring of nitric oxide, nitrogen and oxygen. I love being a part of a team, and it's rewarding to see how each project can save lives, increase life expectancy, and improve life quality after diagnosis for many types of diseases.

Q: Most exciting work you are undertaking at the moment:

SS: Precisely this monitoring system I have mentioned. Inhaled NO is a treatment for respiratory distress in newborns that is offered in the NICU. Nitric oxide is a gas that, when inhaled, can relax the blood vessels in the lungs and help the baby breathe. This system will significantly reduce the neonatal mortality in premature babies, which I don’t have to explain what kind of invaluable positive impact it will have in the lives of many people.

Engineering meetingEngineering meeting©️ G&H

Happy International Women’s Day to Maryam, Reetta, Robin, Monika, Nicola, Shaghayegh, and to all the women at G&H and in the world!