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AODF 4170-UV

For use at the wavelengths of 343 and 355 nm, at a centre frequency of 170 MHz with a scan angle up to 4.95 mrad, and an active aperture of up to 7 mm.

Full Product Description
343 nm, 355 nm
Center frequency:
170 MHz
Active Aperture:
7 mm
Scan Angle:
4.95 mrad
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Product description

G&H acousto-optic beam deflectors are state of the art, specialized designs for high-speed scanning applications.

Acousto-optic (AO) beam deflectors induce an angular shift of the diffracted first order proportional to the applied RF frequency carrier signal. Current devices will handle UV wavelengths down to 266 nm. Aperture heights of up to 7 mm Ø are offered while custom devices have demonstrated aperture widths exceeding 60 mm. Beam deflectors offer scan angles up to 5 mrad. These AO devices offer agile, accurate and reproducible, control of the beam position for linear scanning or randomly addressable beam positioning.

A variety of designs using optimized optical materials are available. Devices range from conduction cooled to high-power water-cooled designs. Our expert design staff can tailor deflector performance to meet your specific needs.

G&H UV deflectors are ideal for applications such as micro machining, inspection systems, via drilling and graphic imaging. Two-dimensional scanning can be achieved by cascading two deflectors in series.

As with all of our acousto-optic devices, the deflector line utilizes our high-quality crystals and AR coatings housed in a rugged and reliable package. The solid state design offers unsurpassed reliability and consistency.

Key features

  • Solid state design
  • Accurate and reproducable position control
  • Fast scan speeds
  • Good temperature stability
  • Variety of offerings
  • Other wavelengths available
  • Design expertise


AO mediumCrystal quartz
Acoustic modeLongitudinal
Acoustic velocity5.74 mm/μs
Wavelength343 nm, 355 nm
Input polarization90º to Mounting plane
Output polarization90º to Mounting plane
Insertion loss1%
Center frequency170 MHz
RF bandwidth80 MHz
RF power20 W nominal
Active Aperture7 mm
Diffraction efficiency85% minimum
Peak valley at 633 nm0.2
RMS at 633 nmN/A
Scan Angle4.95 mrad
Input impedance50Ω
Cooling water flow rate2-3/L min. @ <25°C (Water channels Te-Cu)

*Specifications subject to change.

**When RF power is supplied by 6000 Series NGD AO Driver in MUX configuration.