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97-02910-xx product image

3307 Series

With an operating frequency of 80–350 MHz, an 4 W output into a 50-ohm load, and analog and digital modulation.

Full Product Description
Operating frequency:
80–350 MHz
RF power:
4 W
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Product description

The driver can be operated with modulation frequencies (analog and digital) up to 25% of the carrier frequency and 50 MHz maximum at the higher carrier frequencies.

Optimum EMC shielding and mechanical protection are achieved by an aluminium casing. The base plate serves for mounting and heat dissipation purposes.

Many options are available with this driver including frequency tuning, automatic level control (ALC) and an external amplifier that can boost output power up to 20 Watts.

Key features

  • RF on/off ratio ≥ 35 dB (Digital Modulation)
  • RF on/off ratio ≥ 35 dB (Analogue Modulation)
  • Constant output power design
  • Models with a modulation frequency up to 50 MHz available
  • Conductive cooling through base plate
  • Compact casing


Operating frequency80–350 MHz
Supply voltage+24V DC, +28V DC
Supply currentSee table
Output impedanceNom: 50 Ω
RF power4 W
Frequency accuracy± 0.1%
Harmonic distortionInto 50 Ω load: ≤ -20 dBc
Analogue modulation impedanceNom: 50 Ω
Analogue modulation voltage range@ 50 Ω: 0 … +1 V ᴵᴵᴵ
Analogue modulation RF ON / OFF ratio≥ 35 dB ᴵⱽ
Digital modulation impedanceNom: 50 Ω
Digital modulation levelStandard TTL ⱽ
Digital modulation RF ON / OFF ratio≥ 35 dB
Rise/fall timeSee table
Input impedanceFrequency Tuning: Nom: 1 kΩ ⱽᴵᴵᴵ
FM Bandwidth3 dB: 90 kHz
FrequencySee table for range
RF outputSee table
Output reference frequencyFc divided by 256 (Part number -21)
CoolingSee table
DimensionsInches (L x W x H): 4 x 1.12 x 3.15, mm (L x W x H): 102 x 29 x 80
WeightNom: 0.53 lbs, 0.24 kg
Warm-up timeNom: 5 minutes
Base plate temperature0° C to +60° C (For optimum output power stability constant base plate temperature should be provided)
Storage temperature-25°C to +85°C (non condensing)
Supply voltageAbsolute max: +28 VDC
Analogue modulationAbsolute max: -3.0 V to +3.0 V
Digital modulationAbsolute max: -4.3 V to +4.3 V
Operating temperatureAbsolute Max: +65°C (base plate temperature)

Technical Data

Supply Current
550 mA nom. with Pout0.35-1.5 W @ 24 V
550 mA nom. with Pout0.35-1.5 W @ 28 V
700 mA nom. with Pout2.0-4.0 W @ 24 V
700 mA nom. with Pout2.0- 3.0 W @ 28 V ⱽᴵ
2000 mA nom. with Pout7.0 W @ 24 V ᴵ
2700 mA nom. with Pout20 W @ 24 V ᴵ

ᴵ 7W and 20W versions use an external amplifier.
ᴵᴵ Into 50 Ω load
ᴵᴵᴵ Part numbers -52 and -58 are ≤ -30 dBc
ᴵⱽ Part number -40 is ≥ 42 dB
ⱽ Part numbers -12, -43 are (OFF: <+0.3V, ON: +1.0V)
ⱽᴵ Part numbers -03, -18, -22, -31, -44, -69: 550mA nom.
ⱽᴵᴵ Other custom frequencies are available
ⱽᴵᴵᴵ Part numbers -03, -10, -21, -22, -31, -38, -43, -69: 10KΩ

RF Rise/Fall Times
(Rise = 10% to 90%)
(Fall = 90% to 10%)
12 nsec80 MHz
9 nsec110 MHz
7 nsec150 MHz
5 nsec200 MHz
4 nsec260 MHz
4 nsec350 MHz


RF output connectorSMA (female)Part number -12 & -43 have SMB (male)
Modulation connectorSMB (male)Part numbers -12, -29 & -43 have SMA (female)
Frequency Tuning connectorSMC (male)
Reference Frequency connectorSMC (male)
ALC Connector
InputSolder terminal (filtered feed-thru)
GroundSolder lug
Power Supply connector
InputSolder terminal (filtered feed-thru)Part numbers -45 & -50 have Mini-Universal Mate-N-Lok connector
GroundSolder lugPart numbers -45 & -50 have Mini-Universal Mate-N-Lok connector

Frequency tuning

Frequency rangeInput voltageNotes
50 – 100 MHz+1.5 - +15 V nominalPart numbers -04, -25 and -68
75 – 150 MHz+1.5 - +15 V nominalPart numbers -23, -49 and -59
150 – 280 MHz+2.0 - +15 V nominalPart numbers -17, -28 and -48
200 – 380 MHz+1.0 - +15 V nominalPart numbers -62 and -63
270 – 430 MHz+2.5 - +12 V nominalPart number -70

ALC (Auxiliary Level Control)

Input ImpedanceNom: 1 kΩPart numbers -03, -10, -21, -22, -31, -38, -43, - 69: 10KΩ
ALC BandwidthNom: 35 kHz
RF Ouput (0 W – Full power)ALC Voltage level
+24 V (Vcc)0 – +21 V nominal
+28 V (Vcc)0 – +25 V nominal
+28 V (Vcc)0 – +5 V nominalPart numbers -03, -31, -38 and -43
200 – 380 MHz0 – +10 V nominalPart numbers -10, -21, -22 and -69
270 – 430 MHz


PoutBase plate should be attached to suitable heat sink capable of dissipating:
1.0 W - 1.5 W15 W
2.5 W - 3.0 W20 W
4.0 W22 W

Quality Standards

EU 2002/95/EC (RoHS)Compliant
Burn-in12 Hours min @ +25° C and Pout